Friday, December 24, 2010

Dreaming of a White Christmas Part II

As I write this, Christmas Eve morning, it truly is snowing outside. Ahhh, how I love the white stuff! What I don't like, is the non-white stuff. Today we're talking chocolate stains. Chances are, you're going to consume some of that deliciousness in the form of cookies, brownies or other desserts this holiday season. Why not know how to treat the accidents?

On clothing/washable fabric:
Gently scrape away excess chocolate on the surface, then blot the stain with cold water. If the spot remains, add 1 tsp of clear dishwashing liquid to 1 cup of cool water. Sponge onto stain with a clean cloth. Rinse thoroughly with cool water. If the stain still remains.....
A. If it's milk chocolate.... add a few drops of ammonia to your dishwashing liquid solution, blot and rinse.
B. If it's dark chocolate.... add 2 tbsp of white vinegar to the dishwashing liquid solution, blot and rinse. 

For difficult stains on fabric that can tolerate hot water, stretch the stain over a heat proof bowl or bucket and sprinkle borax over the stain. Pour hot to boiling water through the stain (being careful not to splash on self).

On carpet:
Gently scrape up an excess chocolate on the surface. Blot up any liquid spills and sponge the stain with cold water. Blot dry with clean cloths or paper towels, then blot glycerin onto the spot. Blot and rinse with cool water.

Hope this has been helpful! Merry Christmas!

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